Friday, September 4, 2020
Biomechanics for Human Upper Airways -
Question: Examine about theBiomechanics for Human Upper Airways. Answer: Presentation The Human Upper Airways framework is a multifunctional, muddled and regularly changing neuromechanical framework and its patency require a coordination which is an ideal opportunity to-time of the mechanical and neural conduct that is a factor of the posture(Doblare 2015, p. 456). The human upper aviation route is an everchanging structure which licenses discourse, gulping and respiratory capacities. It mechanical conduct and neural control is dictated by the developmental trade off between these capacities subsequently the framework will in general react quickly and in a way that is controlled progressively. There are varieties that are knowledgeable about the framework during the respiratory cycle which ranges from being alert and snoozing and between the phases of rest. Apneas or hypopneas are a condition that may result from disappointment of consistent coordination and enrollment of the dilator muscles that are liable for the counterbalancing of the powers acting to close the aviation route. A change of the detached mechanical conduct of the upper aviation route may bring about its breakdown. Such modifications or varieties can be because of corpulence or varieties in the life systems for instance retrognathia. This conduct is a factor of the mechanical conduct of every one of the tissues of the mechanical aviation route in seclusion, their physiological connections just as their geometric game plans. The respiratory cycle encounters the distinctive development of the delicate tissue as outlined by estimations of misshapenings identified with breath. It is beyond the realm of imagination to expect to anticipate the biomechanical conduct of the human upper aviation route just from the electromyography exercises of its muscles(Fung 2014, p. 367). Mechanical Models of the Human Upper Airway System The pharynx is by and large idea to be a floppy cylinder. Mechanical models of collapsible cylinders including Starling resistor are utilized in relating intraluminal pressure, perypharyngeal pressure just as airflow(Griffiths 2016, p. 287). These relations have given a premise to the examination of confinements of stream instrument when happens when the rising negative weight in the epiglottis doesn't figure out how to control wind current and how breakdown can be supported by extra peripharyngeal tissue. The patency of the upper aviation route has been seen and comprehended to be subject to a harmony between exercises of the muscles and the weight of the aviation route as conceptualized by Isono and the partners. This gathering conceptualized that the aviation route was adjusting on a rotate which speaks to the inherent conduct of the upper aviation route. Another theoretical model by a similar gathering was including a harmony between intramandibular volume and the delicate tissue that gave a clarification on how the stance of the head, jaw, and neck and corpulence can bring down the volume of the oral pit and the pharynx(Kharmanda 2017, p. 697). The reaction of the upper aviation route tissue to a misshapening or applied burden characterizes its uninvolved solidness and is standardized by the territory over which the heap is applied. This is like the modulus of versatility idea, regularly alluded to as Young's modulus which is an outflow of the power acting per unit zone partitioned by strain for example change long per unit region. The modulus of versatility in the upper aviation routes is a factor of the pace of stacking, the amount of burden applied and the heading of utilization of the heap. An expansion in the heap amount builds the modulus of flexibility and is normally a nonlinear elasticity(Mow 2015, p. 209). This implies in the event that any of the upper aviation routes tissues are slack or will in general be slack then little weight varieties come full circle into huge misshapening of the dividers of the aviation routes. Under consistent states of weight and power, the tissues are probably going to twist after some time. Then again, utilization of a consistent stretch abatements the strain after some time making the tissues to unwind despite the fact that there is normally a remaining pressure that is left in the tissue. Tissues will in general be stiffer when the pace of use of the heap is higher. These qualities characterize the viscoelasticity of the delicate tissues of the upper aviation route. Critical to note also is that muscles are regularly stiffer toward the fascicles of the muscles rather than opposite to them(Bilston 2011, p. 759). This implies loads applied in fluctuated anatomical ways end up in various developments. The biochemical reactions of the upper aviation route are affected by the geometric or anatomical attributes of the aviation route. This has been utilized in clarifying the explanation behind builds OSA rates in guys since they have longer pharynx when contrasted with their female partners. This is impacted by two variables. The aviation route surface region will in general be bigger in a more extended structure accordingly pneumatic stress is applied over a bigger region and in this manner more noteworthy power is created. Another explanation is that a more extended structure is seen as essentially more adaptable than a shorter structure with comparative cross section(Middleton 2009, p. 568). References Berme, N 2013, Biomechanics of Normal and Pathological Human Articulating Joints, third edn, Springer Science Business Media, New York. Bilston, LE 2011, Neural Tissue Biomechanics, tenth edn, Springer Science Business Media, Manchester. Doblare, M 2015, Biomechanics, fourth edn, EOLSS Publications, Chicago. Fung, YC 2014, Biomechanics: Circulation, second edn, Springer Science Business Media, Beijing. Griffiths, IW 2016, Principles of Biomechanics Motion Analysis, fifth edn, Lippincott Williams Wilkins, London. Kharmanda, G 2017, Biomechanics: Optimization, Uncertainties, and Reliability, fifth edn, John Wiley Sons, London. Knudson, D 2013, Fundamentals of Biomechanics, sixth edn, Springer Science Business Media, Chicago. Middleton, J 2009, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2, fifth edn, CRC Press, London. Cut, VC 2015, Basic Orthopedic Biomechanics Mechano-science, fifth edn, Lippincott Williams Wilkins, Manchester. Robertson, G 2013, Research Methods in Biomechanics, 2E, second edn, Human Kinetics, New York.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Othello and Things Fall Apart free essay sample
The utilization of sexual orientation and force in both, ââ¬ËOthelloââ¬â¢ and ââ¬ËThings Fall Apartââ¬â¢ is extremely huge. In Othello men have increasingly individual flexibility and ladies are decided by them comparable to them, where as in Things Fall Apart, ladies don't have any influence in the general public since a man is viewed as well off if a man has three spouses which the hero of things self-destruct, Okonkwo did. In Othello, the connection among Iago and Emilia is a case of intensity in sex jobs as they were endorsed in Renascence society which, at last demolishes Emilia; the ladylike persona. The meaning of ladies as compliant to men is exemplified in their conduct towards one another. Emilia, solidified to pessimism about male female connections by long periods of marriage, has the view that ladies are nourishment for men who are all stomachs and burp ladies when full. Iago ceaselessly portrays ladies as prostitutes by which he implies just well for providing the wants of men, for this situation, the hanky. We will compose a custom article test on Othello and Things Fall Apart or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Rather than Things Fall Apart, a great part of the customary Ibo life introduced in this novel spins around organized sexual orientation jobs. Basically all of Ibo life is gendered, from the yields that people develop, to portrayal of violations. In Ibo culture, ladies are the more vulnerable sexual orientation, but on the other hand are enriched with characteristics that make them deserving of love, similar to the capacity to manage youngsters. The prevailing job for ladies is: first, to make an unadulterated lady of the hour for a decent man, second, to be an agreeable spouse, and third, to manage numerous youngsters. The perfect man accommodates his family substantially and has ability on the combat zone. Another model in Othello where the utilization of intensity and sexual orientation a be seen is when Cassio is absolved from his activity he is advised to approach Desdemona for help, to move toward her and converse with her about it and that she could assist him with landing back on some position. Desdemona approaches Othello about it and he says that he would consider it which shows that Desdemona, a lady could extinguish her needs. Then again in Things Fall Apart there is scene where Okonkwoââ¬â¢s little girl, Ezinma becomes sick and a lady minister is requested assistance and she is delineated as an engaged lady. In Othello there is another case of intensity and status, which is the place Biancaââ¬â¢s helpless status as ââ¬Ëstrumpetââ¬â¢ helps us to remember twofold norm. It is socially worthy for Cassio to partner with a mistress, yet it is arrogant for Bianca to anticipate that him should wed her. Men toy with and dispose of ladies as they pick. Also, as indicated by Othello there are two sorts of ladies, which are pure ladies and prostitutes. On the off chance that Desdemona isn't one, at that point she should be the other. On the off chance that she is a prostitute, she should be rebuffed. For men in the Ibo society from Things Fall Apart notoriety is significant. Notoriety depends on men picking up notoriety through boldness in fight, expertise at wrestling, and difficult work as observed through the size of their sweet potato collect. Notoriety procures men position of intensity and impact in the general public just as various spouses. The soul that drives Okonkwo is his dad, since he was a disappointment.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Skoda Auto Essays - Hatchbacks, Subcompact Cars, Station Wagons
Skoda Auto Skoda Auto The tale of Skoda is one of battle and victory. Skoda appreciates a century-long history of engine vehicle producing in a humble community in the Czech Republic, around sixty kilometers outside the social and vacationer focal point of Prague. In spite of early accomplishments, times turned out to be a lot harder during the previous communist period. The physical plant fell into dilapidation and quality declined. In any case, this story in one of change, and Skoda has by and by become extremely fruitful in a joint adventure organization with the huge German maker Volkswagen (Mendenhall furthermore, Oddou, 379). Toward the start of 1895 repairman Vclav Laurin and book retailer Vclav Klement started creating bikes Slavia in Mlada Boleslav.In the following scarcely any years, 1899, the firm Laurin Klement chosen to produce likewise bikes, which leaded to achievement in numerous global rivalries. After first endeavor when the new century rolled over the firm began to produce vehicles. In 1905, Laurin Klement presented their first vehicle, Voiturette A, which turned out to be effective between Czech old style veteran vehicles. Its creation became so quick that soon L K exceeded the extent of the privately-run company. Skoda 420 Popular In 1907 the organizers executed the business exchange to business entity. In 1920s, the requirement for converge with more grounded mechanical accomplices was communicated that, in 1925, Laurin and Klement consolidated with Skoda Plzen (Pilsner). In the next years the modernize producing didn't just incorporate vehicles, yet in addition trucks, transports, air motors, and agribusiness hardware. In 1930 the vehicle creation in the extent of concern was earned numerous credits. Production of Joint Company for Automobile Industry (JCAI) after the world modern emergency leaded for the accomplishment on the worldwide showcase with new models of Skoda, Skoda 422 and 420 Popular. The World War II had broken this turn of events, which harm the common program and situated the creation of the war gear. The JCIA Skoda turned into the piece of German concern Hermann-Goring-Werke and completely had to situate to the war hardware. Other than the arrangement of the different pieces of firearms, Skoda produced likewise various types of territory vehicles, for example, substantial tractors and towing vehicles, tanks, and so forth. Skoda 1101 After World War II the JCIA was changed to Automobile Factory/National Company (AFNC) Skoda. Skoda began to produce new models, Skoda 1101/1102 Tudor, which had coexisted with the specialized accomplishment of the prewar years. During the 1950s and 1960s, Skoda again presented new models, Skoda 1200, Spartak, Octavia, Felicia, just as Skoda 1000MB. New increment of creation, more than million of vehicles, was made by acquainting Skoda 782 Favorit with the market in 1987 along with Forman 785 and Pickup 787. After the political changes of 1989 in the Czech Republic, Skoda in Mlada Boleslav started looking for in the new condition of market economy solid global accomplice that could ensure with its experience and speculations long haul universal intensity of the organization. In December of 1990 Czech government chose for the collaboration with German concern Volkswagen. On April 16, 1991, Skoda, joint-adventure, started its forward image worry with among such notable organizations as VW, AUDI and Seat. (Web Skoda) The objective of the endeavor was to move information and skill to local people from German ostracizes on transitory task. Czech and German chiefs were matched as a major aspect of a couple framework to trade know-how (Mendenhall and Oddou, 380). According to a Czech chief, the period of the ability move is done alcoholic he number of ostracizes is diminishing, and before 1999 ought to be little gathering of outside chiefs here who are centered around vital issues. Both Czechs and Germans concur that the adequacy of the pair framework is identified with the characters of individual directors, and to the level of information controlled by the German exile. Because of the modernized measures in the executives advertising, just as in the assembling procedure, Skoda Favorit was supplanted by Skoda Felicia that with its quality and configuration was suitable for the universal market. Additionally different arrangements were made for second model lines, low white collar class Octavia that was presented on the Czech market before the finish of 1996 and multi year after Skoda Octavia-Combi. Favorit Vehicles fabricated by Skoda Auto are at present sold in 64 markets around the world. Amazing marketing projections underscore the proceeded with accomplishment of the Czech auxiliary of the Volkswagen Group. (Web Skoda) Vehicles conveyances set again another half-year record: the deal of roughly 200,000 vehicles during the initial a half year of 1999 speaks to an expansion of 10.6 percent over the past record of 180,342 vehicle. Skoda Auto accomplished its most prominent development in Western Europe where an aggregate of 101,534 vehicles were sold, 20.2 percent up from the
The 21 Best News Roundups for Self-Publishing Authors
The 21 Best News Roundups for Self-Publishing Authors The 21 Best News Roundups for Self-Publishing Authors The sheer measure of data that comes spilling out of the web each week can be overpowering - particularly when youââ¬â¢re living in the ever-advancing universe of independently publishing. To help smooth out your learning (and cut back on long stretches of capricious perusing), weââ¬â¢ve set up a rundown of our preferred composition and independently publishing roundups.As we find new gatherings, weââ¬â¢ll be including and taking away sections from this rundown. In the event that you are aware of any extraordinary distributing related gatherings, let us know in the remarks beneath, and we may discover a spot for it on this page!General Publishing Roundups1.à The Book DesignerJoel Friedlanderââ¬â¢s site has for since a long time ago been a shelter for book plan obsessives like us. It likewise flaunts an amazing week by week blog roundup that reveals tips on composing, distributing, and - obviously - book design.2.à The Digital ReaderLooking for a speedy shot of book news at the morning meal table?â Nate Hoffelder offers a craftsman mix of connections in his Morning Coffee gather together for perusers and distributing fans who canââ¬â¢t hang tight an entire week for their fix of distributing news. Look at the absolute best news roundups for #selfpub creators 3.à IndieReader We will consistently revive this page, so in the event that you are aware of a strong news roundup that shares data, tips, and guidance forâ self-distributing creators, let us know in the remarks beneath!
Friday, August 21, 2020
Round Shaped Writing Paper
Round Shaped Writing PaperWhen you want to take a new look at your home office, one way to get a fresh new style is to replace your standard rectangular shaped writing paper with a new round shaped writing paper. The round shape allows your style to be a little more modern and contemporary, while also providing a great option for formal or informal rooms. Here are some tips on using round shaped paper to take your home office from boring to fab!In general, if you're looking to decorate your home office space for a formal setting, you'll want to stay away from rounded shapes. These could be a little too formal for that. Of course, you can add some elements to make it a little more casual.For example, if you have limited room, a bright, modern color would be a great idea. However, if your home office is more of a modern, hip design, you might look into the brighter colors and patterns. Then again, if you're going for a more relaxing, calm, and casual setting, you might look into darker colors like off-white or beige.If you want a similar vibe, add some flat surfaces. Consider flat cabinets, mirrors, or work stations to break up the table top a bit. This will give you a more contemporary look to your office space. This doesn't mean you have to go all out, though.If you have a few open workspaces in your home office, consider adding another piece of flat surface. You could add a mirror to your work table, or even two chairs. Whatever flat surface you choose, it should be just enough to create a comfortable seating area for when you're working or lounging.If you want something similar to the finished product, you can find some smaller, small side tables for less than $100.You can use these for similar purposes. Instead of your normal rectangular shaped writing paper, you can buy some round shaped paper. Then, you can put the smaller table together to provide an additional workspace.A new look for your home office does not need to be a large change. There are many wa ys to get an entirely new look with the use of different styles of shaped writing paper. Just take the time to explore!No matter what style you're looking for, it's important to remember that any design that you add in today's home should reflect who you are as a person and the personality that you would like to portray. Make sure that whatever style you choose is suited to your individual tastes.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
17 Things Ive Learned in the Past Year
17 Things Iâve Learned in the Past Year Itâs spring break and Iâm catching up on alone time. I didnât exactly plan to not have spring break plans, but I feel like I have a lot of backlogged self-reflection and emotional processing to do, so itâs actually been pretty nice and relaxing to have a chunk of time to myself. Incidentally, there are a lot of great concerts happening in Boston this week, so Iâve also been doing a lot of concertgoing (relevant zine lol)â"on Tuesday night, I went to see Vince Staples for the second time, which was pretty cool especially because he closed with âSummertime, (warning: explicit lyrics) a song I mentioned in my very first blog post. There may or may not have been tears in my eyes by the end :â) This past month, Iâve been thinking a lot about how Iâve changed during my time at MIT, and I thought I would write this blog post about some of the ways my perspective has changed in the past year. I think that Iâve done a lot of emotional growth this year, and although some of this growth came out of a particularly dark and volatile period of my life, I am grateful that it shaped me into the person I am now. Now, without further ado, here are 17 things I have learned this past year: 1. What machine learning is And what itâs like to start studying for a Friday 8AM exam (for a class youâve attended literally 0 times) at 10PM on Thursday. (Its not fun, in case you were wondering!!) I took 6.867, one of MITâs machine learning classes, last semester. I loved to complain about this class when I was taking it, but some of the material was really interesting. I donât think I acknowledged how cool it was because itâs a class that I and many other people take because itâs an of-the-moment thing that seems important to know, but it was pretty exciting to write code that could classify handwritten digits (albeit only moderately well) and to actually use multivariable calculus to do useful things. 2. It is sometimes okay and necessary to run away from a situation and not look back or apologize. This is number 2 because itâs important. I guess Iâm now able to understand that sometimes people who seem to have your best interests at heart really do not, and I understand how much the onus is on me to look out for and take care of myself. Iâm a big fan of the line âif I treated someone else the way I treat myself, Iâd be in jailâ (from âGirl Named Helloâ by of Montreal)â"it basically acknowledges the fact that people subject themselves to a lot of crap (and have self-destructive tendencies) that they would never subject anyone else to. Sometimes it is helpful to stop and think, âHow would I react if I was told this was happening to my friend?â or to realize âIf my friend told me they were being treated in x way, I would tell them to get out of that situation immediately.â 3. My friends are amazing! And funny and supportive and complex and talented and creative. I know everyone thinks their friends are amazing, but man, I have had some of the same friends forever, and itâs been crazy to see them all grow and change over the years. I am grateful for all the memories and laughs weâve shared, and Iâm insanely grateful that they have been there for me year after year, even when I havenât been there for them and even after we fall out of touch for periods. I think the main shift in mindset that has happened recently is that I feel less pressure than before to constantly be trying to make new friends. I donât mean that Iâve shut myself off to new connections; itâs more that I feel wholly satisfied with and grateful for what I already have. I also now feel a much stronger sense of protectiveness and responsibility toward my friends, my family, and myself. 4. Sometimes the wind in Cambridge blows so hard that benches fall over Learned this last week. 5. How to do growth accounting Learned this in 14.05, the intermediate macroeconomics class I took last spring. Sadly, I forget many of the details, but I do remember that growth accounting is a way to decompose an economyâs economic growth into changes in various factors. These factors typically include some subset of capital, labor, technology, and human capital. When I first learned about it, I was awed by the ways in which economists were able to use mathematical models to explain patterns in the world. I think Im a little less enthusiastic now because, ya know, all models are wrong, but the lectures about this and about the Mankiw-Romer-Weil paper (which posited that human capital should be included in the model) were part of what got me hooked on economics. (wow i am a nerd sorry) 6. The bystander effect is real. Like, in real life and not just in psychology textbooks. Sigh. 7. It is important to take care of your body and physical health! Health, hygiene, sleep, exercise, dietâ"itâs difficult to not let these things fall by the wayside when negotiating the insanity of MIT. I still struggle to strike a healthy balance, especially when it comes to getting enough sleep. I fell into an extended period of mild illness during the months after spring break last year. I was exhausted and didnât ever seem to have time to catch up on sleep because, like many other people on campus, I am eternally overcommitted. :/ I was regrettably hardheaded about not asking for extensions or going to Medical. Donât be like me! Itâs great if you can somehow avoid getting sick in the first place, but if youâre already sick, make sure you take adequate time to recover fully so the illness doesnât drag out. It might seem wasteful to take a big chunk of time to recover now, but spending weeks being sick and recovering halfway usually ends up taking up even more time. On the topic of fitness, thereâs a line from a Dr. Dre interview that I think about all the time: âI just got tired of taking better care of things I can replaceYou cant have a hot car and a hot house and get out looking crazy.â I can think of many people who pay more mind to taking care of their physical possessions than their own bodies. If youâre doing all this work (in part) to give yourself a better life, what is the point if youâre not healthy and able to enjoy that life? 8. It is important to take care of your mind and mental health! I wouldnât exactly say I learned this in the past year, but I am still learning how to get better at itâ"figuring out what helps me and what doesnât. MIT is a mentally taxing place, but Iâm finally learning to take advantage of the resources available to students. Iâm a person who never stops working: even if Iâm feeling extremely down, I will get my work done, and it took me a while to understand that my ability to get work done doesnât reflect whether or not things are okay in my head. On a related note, I think I put a lot of pressure on myself to always be delivering, and even during my time off I want to be productive. I think that on some level I feel like my worth is determined by my ability to be productive (thanks, capitalism) so itâs been a journey learning to actually, really, truly relax. Mental and physical health go hand in hand, and a lot of activities that improve physical health also improve mental health. Selam recently wrote a beautiful post that touches on the experience of climbing out of the hole of mental health strugglesâ"I would highly recommend reading it! 9. How it feels to teach a class Iâve done a decent amount of teaching/presentation-giving this year and especially this semester. I just wrapped up teaching an HSSP class on behavioral economics, and my CI-M (communication intensive) math class requires all the members of the class to teach the material to each other. Its helped me develop more sympathy and empathy for my teachers and professorsâ"now that Iâve been on the receiving end of dead silence after asking a question to a class, Iâm more willing to participate in my own classes. 10. Do what works for you! Over my winter break, one of my friends from high school mentioned that a critical part of the improvement of her mental health was the discovery that âbeing an introvert is a thing.â I thought that was hilarious and extremely relevant to my own strugglesâ"this year, I finally came to terms with the fact that I get tired if Iâm around people for long periods of time and need to spend a sizable amount of time alone to be at my best. Itâs not like I was insanely social before this year, but now I feel much less guilty about turning down invitations or spending my weekend nights quietly (although this semester, thatâs mostly been caused by my having too much work on weekends, which is a separate problem). 11. Femininity is nothing to be ashamed of. Iâm pretty sure Iâve mentioned this in one way or another in, like, every single blog post Iâve written this year, but Iâve mostly made peace with the fact that I am a girl who likes to do girly things even though those things are associated with vapidity. I think Iâve had to work through a lot of internalized sexism, and as a consequence I am now more self-aware and okay with myself as a person. So thatâs been pretty cool. 12. How to belay Last month I tried top roping (style of climbing pictured above) for the first timeâ"super fun and tiring! There are a number of climbing gyms around Boston/Cambridgeâ"Iâve been to Rock Spot (many times), Brooklyn Boulders (once), and MetroRock (once). 13. What a holomorphic function is Itâs like a differentiable function, but in the complex planeâ"which means it has to be differentiable from all directions. Learned this in 18.112 last semester; that whole class is on the (many + beautiful) properties of holomorphic functions. 14. How little looks matter High school politics teach you otherwise, but as Iâve gotten older Iâve realized more and more that personal style has absolutely nothing to do with how well I will get along with a person or how interesting they are. I feel like Iâm realizing this embarrassingly late in my life, but hey, better than never! (On the other hand, Iâve gone through a lot of phases with my own appearance, and I think people have treated me somewhat differently depending on how I presented myself, so in that sense looks do matter sometimes. And on a broader level, yes, looks matter because people will evaluate you based on features like race or gender presentation. So dont get me wrong, I am not saying that looks in general do not affect how people treat you because they unfortunately do. But thats a conversation for a different day.) 15. How to do a bunch of puzzles I dabble in puzzling, and Iâve done a little more dabbling than usual this past year. There was the Google Games in April, then Whatâs that Spell in October, then SUMS over winter break, and most recently the Galactic Puzzle Hunt, which was created by people loosely affiliated with the hall I lived on freshman year. 16. Im the actual worst at self-care. I sometimes put so much pressure on myself to do self-care activities that the effect ends up being the complete opposite of what I intended. So, for instance, Iâll tell myself I should do some creative writing because thatâs therapeutic for me, but then Iâll have a lot of work and not have time to do the creative writing, or I wonât feel like writing at all, and then Iâll get so stressed about the fact that I havenât done the writing yet that it becomes a big burden. Then, when I actually get around to doing the writing, Iâm tired and would probably benefit more from sleep, or it just undoes the stress that came from not-writing but not the pre-existing stress. Repeat for activities like exercise and reading. I guess the effect in the long run is that Iâm reasonably physically fit and productive, but Iâm still learning to put less pressure on myself. This spring break I am trying to actually relax by not doing this to myself! I am taking a break from setting mental goals for each day, and so far Iâve actually been pretty relaxed and happy and thatâs been really nice :~) 17. I am a tough cookie. I trust myself to get through difficult times. Every single year, I become more sure about this. I think that in one way or another, your college experience will test how gritty you really are, and although there will be times when things will get pretty dark and feel hopeless, they always get better (often after you seek some sort of help, which is an act of bravery and not of weakness!!), and you will eventually come out with renewed faith in yourself. There are like a million adages about thisâ"what doesnt kill you makes you stronger, its always darkest before the dawn, there is a light at the end of the tunnelâ"and they are often true. images link to sources Post Tagged #6.867 #mental health
Thursday, June 25, 2020
The Main Pastimes Of The Civil War - Free Essay Example
When you imagine what life as a Civil War soldier would be like you think of the things that they had to suffer through and all the pain that came with it, but what about the times when they werent fighting during the Civil War, some free time was spent with small groups of friends huddled around the fire (Frank 512). Times they spent with one another created a bond and help create a sense of nationalism. The main pastimes of the Civil War consisted of the following: Gambling , sports, whittling, making music, and letter writing. One pastime soldiers enjoyed during the Civil War was gambling. Gambling was a great way of distracting the soldiers from the anxiety and boredom and it required little to no physical effort and a great source of entertainment. Which made it extremely popular among the soldiers and helped create a bond with one another. In fact 9 out of 10 gambled. One recruit even wrote to his father a young man cannot guard himself too closely in camp where to be considered an accomplished gentlemen it is necessary to be a scientific and successful gambler (Murphy 59). There were multiple ways in which the soldiers could gamble including buying raffle tickets for a nickel, drawing tickets from hats, betting on horses, cock fights, wrestling, boxing, raffles, even fights and races with the soldiers. They got barely any money which made the stakes pretty low, such as five dollars, a chicken, buttons, corn kernels, and matches (Frank 512). Some people believed that gambling was a great way to past the time however it got too intense and resulted into arguments or fights over things like losing or cheating (Frank 315). Ministers and priests often read from the Bible wanting them to repent for their sins but they got irritated with the service and went back to gambling (Frank 513). Ulysses S. Grant the commanding general of the union army, was a card player all throughout his life especially in the war as well as Abraham Lincoln another former president who like Grant learned at a young age. Lincoln learned when sailing a flatboat carrying produce from Illinois to New Orleans (Harris). Another pastime during the Civil War was Sports. One of the sports that they played was baseball. In their spare time soldiers helped transform the game of baseball from a pastime in a small area to a national obsession. Abner Doubleday, a soldier in the civil war was given credit to inventing this game but it turns out that was untrue. Abner never claimed to have anything to do with baseball and he was in WestPoint in 1839 at the time when the game was supposedly invented (Who Invented). During the war the balls were made out of old shoe leather, socks, or woolen uniforms material stuffed with soft material and sewn together. They used carved out tree limbs or wooden posts for bats. The game was so popular in christmas during the war in 1862 40,000 spectators attended the game between the 165th New York volunteer regiment and another team including A.G. mils who would later become president of the Nation League when it was formed in 1876 (Baseball). Ninety-one former players of the Brooklyn Excelsior enlisted into the Union Army. One member, physician A.T. Pearsall, joined the Confederate side. When these men left for the war, they brought New York baseball with them, laying the foundation for an explosion of baseballs popularity during the Civil War (Frank 490). More athletic activities included wrestling, boxing, leapfrog, racing on foot or horseback, and horseracing, cricket, and in rare occasions they bowled using cannonballs to knock down rough wooden pins. Whittling was another way to past the time, it wasnt a popular hobby until the war in 1865. Not all soldiers enjoyed this pastime or had the skill to pursue it but the soldiers who did enjoy it and have the skill would carve items such as figurines, sculptures, smoking pipes, fans, whistles, and ball in a cage out of things like bone, wood, and other materials they could find. A common item that was made was chess pieces, Lieutenant colonel Robert J. Lawrence of the 14th mississippi was captured in Fort Donelson TN. on February 1862. Lawrence was lucky enough to be exchanged for another prisoner in October but when he was a prisoner he stole firewood to carve a chess set out of mapple and black walnut and used broken glass and a pocket knife. (Whittling). Another man, a member of John Hunt Morgans raiders made a knife out of beef bone when he was in Fort Delaware and william hayes took it home with him. The knife has bumpy handle with crosshatch designs (Whittling). Whittling requi res skilled hands and a lot of free time but in the end it makes beautiful soldier art. Not only did the soldiers whittle but Europeans and British as well along with most of the commanding officers including General Grant who was enlisted (Gettysburg). Music was also an important part of the War. The soldiers found comfort in singing and creating music as well as using instruments such as drums, guitar, banjos, fiddles that they made out of wooden cigar boxes, fifes, bugles and harmonicas. There were drummer boys who served during the Civil War that were too young to fight but wanted to help the soldiers and ended up doing so on both sides, although some didnt realize it at first. It kept the soldiers motivated, providing a beat for marching drills or just communicating to the soldiers that meals were ready. One twelve year old boy wrote But i was very small and they would not give me a musket. The next day i went back and the man behind the desk said i looked as if i could hold a drum and if i wanted i could join that way. I did, but i was not happy to change a musket for a stick (Murphy 39). Some of the young boys couldnt handle the life of the war and got homesick. To help with that they often used singing to help express their feeling like one southerner J.B. Lance of Buncombe county, North Carolina who was tired of life away from home. Lance wrote to his father Father i have saw a rite smart of the world since i left home but i have not saw any place like Buncombe and henderson yet (Murphy 29). Musical duels between the two sides were common, as they heard each other across the countryside both sides deuel with a song one night which turned out to be the night of the battle of stones rivers which turned into both sides singing Home! Sweet! Home! together as one. Kenneth A. Bernard called the war between the states a musical war, so when soldiers marched into the war they took their love of music with them and broke down the walls between them. Music passed the time and entertained but most importantly brought back memories of home and family. It also create a sense of nationalism. Bernard said In camp and hospital they sang sentimental songs and ballads, comic songs and patriotic numbers.The songs were better than rations or medicine (Bernerd). Lastly letter writing was a common pastime. Soldiers wrote letters home to family, friends, and loved ones and wrote about how they were doing and much they missed them and wanted to come home. Mail service for the union soldiers was time efficient during the war but the confederates never fully delivered the mail because of the confederate government but they made an effort to deliver the mail best they could so they could get the letter back as soon as possible in rain, sleet, or gloom of the night(Murphy 55). Some of the soldiers were not literate and could barely write their name but most spell things how they sounded for exampleeven the Sargints is holleren at you and the man in youre reer is cumplaning of youre gun not been held up rite . The conditions such as the lack of food concerned the women and often begged their loved ones to come back home. An Alabama wife wrote to her husband, imploring him to come home. We have got nothing in the house to eat but a little bit of meal If you put off acomin, ?twont be no use to come, for well all hands of us be out there in the grave yard with your ma and mine. Young boys in the war often wrote about duty, honor and courage as shown in this letter to the boys mother Deuty while in the noble army of Northern Va and if I were to desert and lie out of this Struggle as many are doing I could not go any where but that the Eys of man and Woman would look at me I would feel worse than a Sheep killing dog. Letter writing in the Civil War took on different aspects for the men whod left their homes, their wives and children, and their families. It kept them grounded and helped them to stay connected to the people they loved. Thousands of the letters still exist today, treasured by the descendants of Civil War soldiers.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Global Warming Is The Number One Concern On The Planet...
Vadodaria4 Global warming is the number one concern on the planet right now (Ankara 1). Ankara University suggests that ââ¬Å"the most common definition of global warming is the process in which Earthââ¬â¢s temperatures increase due too many human activitiesâ⬠(ââ¬Å"The Impact of Globalâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ 1). A basic background of how climate change is provoked is that it is caused by fossil fuels and carbon dioxide being released in the air due to many human activities. This event can potentially harm the human population and put many ecosystems around the world to extinction. Marine ecosystems, in general, are parts of the Earthââ¬â¢s hydrosphere, which make up large parts of the Earth and contain magnificent biodiversity from beautiful fish to theâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Another factor of ascending sea levels is the increase in temperatures (3). Eissa and Zaki implies that ââ¬Å"a considerable number of many species will be threatened with a continuou s increase in sea levels to a certain point that the animal or species could become extinctâ⬠(The impact of global climaticâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ 2). Sea levels are rising at very accelerated rates, and until the water keep rising, they will become very harmful to the human population and many marine organisms. However, increasing temperatures is one of the main factors of climate change. Johansen insists that ââ¬Å"the warming of the worldââ¬â¢s oceans has not only affected the animals who live above the surface, but also the ones who live belowâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Marine Lifeâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ 1). Increasing temperatures are mostly caused by many human activities such as the release of fossil fuels emissions and greenhouse gases. The two main processes that cause increasing temperatures are Climate Change and the Greenhous effect. These can be very harmful to the marine population and permanently extinct them. According to recent studies, NOAA has discovered that seawater temperatures a re increasing by about 0.1 Celsius, and many organisms confronted with this change could be in great danger (NOAA 2). In addition to increasing temperatures and sea levels rising, another factor would be ocean acidification. Global Issues portrays thatâ⬠ocean acidification is caused by substantial amounts of carbon dioxide which is caused by greenhouse emissionsâ⬠(ClimateShow MoreRelatedGlobal Warming Is The Number One Concern On The Planet Right Now1752 Words à |à 8 PagesGlobal warming is the number one concern on the planet right now (Ankara 1). Ankara University suggests that ââ¬Å"the most common definition of global warming is the process in which Earthââ¬â¢s temperatures increase due too many human activitiesâ⬠(ââ¬Å"The Impact of Globalâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ 1). A basic background of how climate change is provoked is that it is caused by fossil fuels and carbon dioxide being released in the air due to many human activities. This event can potentially harm the human population and put manyRead MoreGlobal Warming Essay1407 Words à |à 6 PagesNovember 2014 Global Warming Essay The idea of global became prevalent when the world began industrializing. As the popularity of cars grew and industrial factories began to spring up the air quality suffered. The problem was not recognized because, aside from a few orange skies, there were no obvious effects. Although in this day and age we can see what global warming is doing to our Earth, there are still those people who believe that humans are too small to make an impact. Global warming is tooRead MoreClimate Change And Its Consequences Essay1504 Words à |à 7 PagesConsequences for Humanity Climate Change is one of the most significant international problems of the XXI century on a planetary scale. The rapid growth of the overall dynamics of disasters is observed in recent decades and causes particular concerns. Climate change that is happening by natural means is accompanied by global warming caused by ill-conceived human activities. Climate change is not a simple increase of temperature. The term global climate change has a much broader meaningRead MoreEssay on The Harmful Effects of Global Warming 1363 Words à |à 6 Pagescould, to prevent climate change. Even though global warming is happening slowly, we need to make changes in our lifestyles now because we are killing our earth and poisoning ourselves with emissions. Global warming is the rise in average temperatures around the earth, to the point that it causes changes in the global climate. The effects of these temperature rises are traumatic to our earth. Global warming has been an area of concern for the government since the late 1980ââ¬â¢s. The IPCCRead MoreGlobal Warming : We Are Going At Our Current Rate2392 Words à |à 10 PagesWith global warming concerns on the rise and growing pollution levels, we as a planet need to step back and take a look at what we can do for us and future generations. For too long now, we have been ignoring the fact that global warming is not only a national concern, but a concern for us as human beings on this planet. The aim of this project is to inform on where we are currently with global warming, where we are going at our current rate, the effect on economics and what we can do to help preventRead MoreEssay on Pros and Cons to Biofuels1152 Words à |à 5 PagesOver the past years, planet Earth has been warming up. According to NASAs Goddard Institute for Space Studies, average temperatures have risen around1.4 degrees Fahrenheit/0.8 degrees Celsius since 1880. In fact, the rate of warming is increasing. It was reported by a number of climate studies that the last two decades were the hottest in 400 years. Global warming is a major threat to the planet. It is agreed that humans have caused most of the past centurys warming by releasing greenhouse gassesRead MoreLearning about Global Warming through An Inconvenient Truth1672 Words à |à 7 PagesInconvenient Truth is a 2006 documentary directed by Davis Guggenheim that depicts Al Goreââ¬â¢s campaign to increase awareness of global warming. I have always heard of global warming, but have never taken the time to look at the available evidence and develop my own opinion. This documentary not only helped me achieve a greater understanding of the causes of global warming, but especially allowed me to comprehend the consequences humans face if nothing is done. The film consists of Al Gore giving aRead More Climate Change is a Minor Threat Essay647 Words à |à 3 Pagesanyway? The media-crazed threat of global warming has made this topic a very popular and, according to the media, a very serious global issue too. Iââ¬â¢m not going to deny Global Warming, but I feel that as humans, we have only contributed very little to the emission of greenhouse gases, etc. Global Warming is a natural phenomenon, and should be dealt with accordingly: A coat when itââ¬â¢s cold, a t-shirt when itââ¬â¢s warm. The biggest mistake made about Global Warming is the rise in sea-level. Most supportersRead MoreTaking a Look at Climate Change1769 Words à |à 7 Pagesscientists are supposed to know all there is to know about every field of science; 17,000 scientists signed a petition saying theres no convincing evidence that greenhouse gases will disrupt the earths climate; 31,000 scientists are saying that global warming is beneficial. A lot a meteorologist become weather forecasters or pilots or teachers or homemakers or businesspeople. There are no longer Geophysicist who specialize in measuring seismic and magnetic anomalies. So the petition suggestion thatRead MoreGlobal Warming Is A Major Problem Of The 21 Century1209 Words à |à 5 Pages Global Warming has become a major problem of the 21 century. It affects the Earthââ¬â¢s habitats, oceans, and biodiversity. Over the years, scientists have begun to understand the causes and effects of global warming and have searched for solutions. Oxford defines global warming as the process of gradual increase in the temperature of the Earthââ¬â¢s atmosphere. There are several reasons that can explain global warming, such as human activities, natural events, and solar activity. The most important cause
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Model Of Organizational Structure - 1768 Words
3.1) Existing Organization Structure The Unit consists of 30 members at strategic apex level, middle line management, techno commercial level and support staff and operational level. The organizational structure closely resembles the Professional Bureaucracy Mintzberg Model of organizational structure. â⬠¢ Apex Strategic unit consisted of the 1 Regional Director and 1 Vice president. â⬠¢ The Techno commercial Unit consisted of 1 Costing Engineer and 1 Planning Engineer. â⬠¢ The Support Unit consisted of the 1 Stores In charge, 1 Electrical Technician and 1 Electrical Engineer, 1 Mechanical Engineer, 1 Mechanic, 1 Technical assistant to VP and 1 non technical assistant to VP. â⬠¢ The Middle Line consisted of 1 Project Manager. â⬠¢ The Operational Unit consisted of the 2 experienced Engineers and 5 site engineers, 5 site supervisors, 5 charge hands, 1 water proofing technician. Chart 1 The structure of the organization mentioned in chart no 1 defines the division of the work, coordination of work within the subunits and formal reporting relationship. These different subunits are equipped with required resources and systems of communication such as Enterprise Resource Planning Software, Cell phones, Emails, checklists etc to achieve standards set by the company. Strategic Apex â⬠¢ The Strategic Apex had less interaction with the PM and PD unit and was mainlyShow MoreRelatedReshaping Organizational Culture Using the Burke-Litwin Model1110 Words à |à 4 Pagesgender roles and other American cultural ideas on an organization in a foreign culture. This paper will describe their efforts using the lens of the Burke-Litwin model for organizational change. Burke-Litwin The Burke-Litwin Model seeks to explain the processes and influences by which organizational change occurs. The organizational change process is driven by twelve different factors. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Effects Of Alcohol And Drugs On Society Essay
Alcoholââ¬â¢s importance in our social history is sufficiently great. Even more significant is the abuse of alcohol and how alcohol has affected modern society. For several decades, alcohol and drugs has been a major problem in our society. Not only has the drug problem increased but also drug related problems are rising day by day. There is no crime in the world that kills teenagers more than alcohol does. Those substances affect the body in many ways. As they say, anything that anyone gets addicted to is called addiction. Addiction is partly Biological, psychological and partly social. Using drugs increases the risk of injury. Addiction is a disease. The usage of alcohol and drugs affects a person by their appearance and makes them depressed. In this term paper I will be discussing how symptoms, and the progression of alcohol and drugs. According to researchers, in Schick Shadel Hospital, the progression of alcoholism is a three-stage pattern, each stage getting more severe over the course of time. The duration of the pattern is depending on the individual and on their situation. Stage 1 would be the Developmental Zone. In this stage symptoms are very low at this point. Drinking symptoms are occasional. This zone includes social drinking, drinking faster and more than others, suffering memory blackouts and having a drink at least once a week. Stage 2 is the Zone of Overt Alcoholism. In stage two symptoms are occurring more than the first stage. Meaning they are moreShow MoreRelatedAlcohol Drugs And Its Effects On Society940 Words à |à 4 PagesDrugs; whether they are licit or illicit (legal or illegal), will be used and abused by numerous people in this world. If the drug is considered legal, it doesnââ¬â¢t mean that it canââ¬â¢t be addicting or good for your body; most licit drugs are just as harmful to the body as the ones that are illicit. In this essay I will be discussing two different drugs; alcohol which is a licit drug, and heroin which is an illicit drug. We will touch the following subjects and how they may impact the family, what theRead MoreThe Effects Of Drugs And Alcohol On Society1552 Words à |à 7 Pagesrespectful, and I am imaginative. My parents have always been positive influences in my life. They have helped me in being the person who I am today. I have been shown that drugs and alcohol are not needed at a young age, or at all. When you are older and your brain has fully developed maybe then you can start drinking. Drugs can harm you and put you down a terrible path. By this, it has helped me make positive choices in my life. I eat healthy and exercise to have a state of well-being. I see myRead MoreThe Effects Of Alcohol And Drug Abuse On People, Families, Friends And Society1013 Words à |à 5 Pagesexplain why alcohol and drug abuse have a negative impact on people, families, friends and society. The abuse of alcohol and drugs knows no boundaries, it does not discriminate. It affects rich and poor, black and white, young and old. Many people donââ¬â¢t consider alcohol as a drug since it is ââ¬Å"legalâ⬠after age 21, but in reality it is one of the most addictive ââ¬Å"legalâ⬠substances on t he planet. They donââ¬â¢t realize that they have a problem when in reality what they have is an addiction. Alcohol isnââ¬â¢t theRead MoreThe Effects Of Alcohol And Drug Abuse On Criminal Activities1620 Words à |à 7 PagesDiscussion: Whilst many theorists have differing views on whether or not alcohol and drug abuse is related to criminal activities, there are however a variety of preventative and intervention methods known commonly as ââ¬Ëharm reductionââ¬â¢. This theory aims to assist in societyââ¬â¢s responses in how we intervene when it comes to drug abusers as well as how the use of drug taking harms society itself. Such designed strategies aim to reduce and eventually stop substance abuse. Harm reduction methods can comeRead More Drugs and Alcohol Essay1107 Words à |à 5 Pages Drugs and Alcohol For nearly 85 years, the government has prohibited pscychoactive drugs. American leaders attempted to do the same to alcohol with Prohibition in the 1920?s. In any society, drug use plays a part in the people?s culture. Whether it be a native taking hallucinogens for a religious ceremony, a destitute alcoholic drinking on a city street, or a group of teenagers smoking marijuana, drugs and alcohol have the same effects in any culture. The question of ?why do people use drugs? hasRead MoreEffects Of Alcohol Consumption On Popular Recreational Soft Drugs1446 Words à |à 6 PagesThe recreational use of soft drugs such as marijuana or ecstasy is less harmful than alcohol consumption and therefore should be decriminalised. When you hear the word drugs, whatââ¬â¢s the first thing that comes to mind? A nightclub full of adolescents, hopped up on happy pills, raving until night turns to day, or going down to the liquor store to buy a bottle of wine with dinner? Decriminalising recreational soft drugs is something that cannot be taken lightly, and a decision that can have many negativeRead MoreAdvocation for Legalizing Recreational Marijuana1332 Words à |à 5 Pageswhether the legalization of marijuana is more beneficial or harmful to the economy. Marijuana, also known as weed, is a mixture of the dried and shredded leaves, stems, seeds, and flowers of the cannabis sativa plant. Itââ¬â¢s the most widely used illegal drug in the United States, even though studies have shown results that the benefits of using marijuana for medicinal or recreational reasons far outweigh the negative matters that may be associated with its use. While marijuana is still a controlled substanceRead More Alcohol and Alco holism Essay682 Words à |à 3 PagesAlcohol and Alcoholism Alcohol is a drug, but unlike the other drugs, marijuana, cocaine, heroine, and probably all the others for some reason this is socially accepted and is legal. Alcohol is bad for you and does have long term affects associated with it. Such as the long addiction to it, effects on the body, and the social interaction effects. Alcohol, and alcoholism is common in America, but drinking is more common around kids. Social drinking a term kids and drinkers haveRead MoreAlcohol Is A Popular Ingredient1694 Words à |à 7 Pagestodayââ¬â¢s society, alcohol is a popular ingredient in numerous products and beverages. And for better or worse, alcohol has shaped our civilization for many centuries. Alcohol is any organic compound, which the hydroxyl functional group is bound to a saturated carbon atom. It is classed as a depressant, which is an ingredient that slows down vital functions resulting in slurred speech, unsteady movement, disturbed perceptions and an inability to react quickly. As for how it affects the mind, alcohol isRead MoreDrug And Alcohol Abuse Has Been Rife1400 Words à |à 6 Pagesdecades, drug and alcohol abuse has been rife. They are a huge problem in our society. Not only has the drug problem increased, but many drug related problems are rising as well. Men, women, and children are becoming addicted to illicit substances because they are too available to them. Billions of dollars are spent to aid the prevention of drug abuse, to treat addicts, and to fight the war on drugs. This is a very combative problem, the more itââ¬â¢s fought, the more it fights back. Drugs and alcohol not
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Blueprinting and Service Marketing Literature review
Essays on Blueprinting and Service Marketing Literature review The paper "Blueprinting and Service Marketing" is an outstanding example of a literature review on marketing. Marketing practices have been around for ages and as per Carratu (1987), they can be traced back to 7000 B.C. But as a concept and as a school of study, its origin is relatively new. Marketing is nothing but a set of activities put together to sell a product profitably using the right mix of product, price, promotion, and place. Till very recently, it had been existing in isolation to the wider business activity and thus businesses were not getting the response they wanted. Most of the earlier concepts in marketing are focused on profits, exchange, and transactions. Thus, the experts tried to overcome these deficiencies by approaching marketing as resource-based or asset-based. Thus now, marketing is being developed these days with a focus on relationships and customers rather than the previous discussions on transactions. (Kotler 1990; Webster 1992). And this change of focus is redefining the domain of marketing as per Sheth, Gardener, and Garett. (1988) and the marketing is returning back to the pre-industrial time of direct marketing in business-to-business and business-to-consumer markets. Thus the relationship marketing is increasingly becoming more and more popular with the experts and industry alike.RELATIONSHIP MARKETINGRelationship marketing involves the interactions and integration of different stakeholders such as customers, suppliers, and employees of the organization themselves in the organizationââ¬â¢s developmental and marketing activities.(McKenna 1991; Shani and Chalasani 1991). Thus the increased interactions and communications within these groups result in much more closer business relationships between them and enforce cooperation instead of the intense competition and conflict among these different groups. Morgan and Hunt (1994) thus emphasized that mutual cooperation due to usage of relationship marketing concepts leads to highe r value creation and is inherently more useful and profitable to the organization.As per Sheth and Sisodia (1995), relationship marketing helps to enhance marketing productivity by helping organizations operate with efficiency and effectiveness. There are many practices in relationship marketing practices that help organizations achieve effectiveness and these are customer retention or loyalty, efficient consumer response, and the sharing of resources between marketing partners. Thus such marketing practices thrive on close relationships between customer and supplier firms. (Copulsky and Wolf 1990; Goldberg 1988; Katz 1988).Changes in the business markets, technology and many other environmental and organizational factors have contributed to the popularity of relationship marketing practices.à Some of the important ones are presented in this paper.
Africaââ¬â¢s Political and Economic Problems and How to Eliminate Them Free Essays
The picture of Africa has long been depicted as one with Africans who are malnourished and dying from disease and starvation. This is in irony for Africa being the second largest and second most populous continent in the world very rich in minerals, gold, diamonds and other natural resources. Much of these unsightly images of Africa can be attributed to the political and economic factors that attributed much to its poverty and political unrest. We will write a custom essay sample on Africaââ¬â¢s Political and Economic Problems and How to Eliminate Them or any similar topic only for you Order Now As such, Africaââ¬â¢s political and economic problems are herein enumerated and discussed so as to be able to evaluate and eliminate the aforementioned factors that contribute to Africaââ¬â¢s plight as a continent in poverty and distress. This, with the objective of determining the best possible solutions so as to give sustainability, if not prosperity to Africa that has long been needed and sought for by its people. Africaââ¬â¢s Political Problems Africa has been suffering from the turmoil of instability, corruption, violence and authoritarianism since colonial period. Although there are a number of African nations today that are under republic governance with forms of presidential rule, only a few have been able to take advantage and sustain democratic governments. This can be attested by several leaderships that failed to give the people their power of sovereignty and freedom in what can be called misguided democracies.à An example of such leadership abuse happened during the 35-year-rule of Mobutu Sese Seko as head of a ââ¬Å"democraticâ⬠governmentà in Zaire (renamed Congo in 1997) when he and his ministers sold and pocketed the lucrative mining rights to Zaireââ¬â¢s substantial cobalt, nickel, and diamond mines (Payne Lee). Africaââ¬â¢s Political and Economic Problems Africa has also been suffering from civil wars, violence and crimes as violence is being used as a mechanism for resolving disputes and for bringing about change. Both colonial and apartheid regimes used violence and repression to maintain power and some degree of social order, and on the other hand, opposition movements resorted to violent tactics as a means to attain political change (Rauch). Moreover, violence and crimes have been resorted to during transition periods of repressive, authoritarian governments to more democratic forms of government. For example, following the dramatic reform announcement ofà State President F.W. De Klerk , the transition in South Africa was marked by extreme social conflict and violence which can be attested by statistics of more than eight South Africans dying daily as a result of political violence (Rauch). Conflicts and political violence are also triggered or aggravated by poverty in Africa, along with racial and ethnic division, and a culture of political intolerance. Many African states have also cycled through series of brutal coups and military dictatorships. The number of coups and politically motivated crimes are appalling. The period from the early 1960s to the late 1980s for example, saw more than 70 coups and 13 presidential assassinations in Africa. How to cite Africaââ¬â¢s Political and Economic Problems and How to Eliminate Them, Papers
Description about the Business Analysis and Valuation for Organization
Question: Describe about the Business Analysis and Valuation for Organizational Qantas. Answer: Introduction The assignment will focus on evaluating the business operations of the selected organization Qantas. Qantas is one the Australian famous Airways limited company, and it is the largest airline in Australia, when measured regarding international flights and international destinations. The report will analyze all the crucial factors, which will concentrate on the business as well as marketing operations of Qantas Airline (, 2016). There are eight major questions in this particular report, which will focus on the critical business as well as the marketing operations of the organizations Competitive Advantages of Qantas by using Porters Five Forces The use of porters five forces is one of the primary marketing tool, which different groups irrespective of the nature of the business follows towards developing a proper business plan. Qantas operates its business both in national boundary and beyond national boundary. The application of this particular marketing tool will analyze all the crucial elements, which are required by the organization to develop its business operations overseas. The five important factors, which are included in this particular marketing tool, involve Power of the suppliers, Powers of the buyers, Potential threats, threats of substitute and competitive rivalry. The level of competitiveness in the airline industry is high. In Australia, there are many firms, which operate its business activities in the same domain. Australia has the vision of becoming the worlds largest aviation market within the financial year 2020. The various airline industries are competing for the same customers when measured regarding prices, technology, and customer services. The second factor will summarize the bargaining powers of the suppliers, which includes fuel, aircraft, and labor (Jenkins and Williamson 2015). Qantas Airline mainly focuses on these three factors, which will evaluate the bargaining power of the suppliers. Qantas Airline strongly divides the customers base into two divisions, which includes direct clients and customers buying tickets through agents. The bargaining powers of these two groups of customers differ from each other. There are some threats of substitution in this particular industry as the purchasing options of the buyers are diversifi ed. The customer can choose other forms of transport to get to their destinations (Fleisher and Bensoussan 2015). The primary variable is time. Planes are the fastest mode of transportation and majority of the passengers prefers this particular way. However, if Qantas develops a proper pricing strategy, it will put a positive impact on the overall business policies. As in Australian market, the entry and exits of new firms are not restricted; it is another important aspect of the firm, which Qantas follows, as the switching cost in the airline industry is very low (Rogers and Davidson 2015). On the other hand, if the customers are not satisfied with the service of Qantas, they will automatically shift to the next alternative brands to satisfy their demands by maintaining an affordable price. Three Factors for Qantas Competitive Environment Qantas has been in the business with the firm for 90 years and has been acclaimed for its success and milestones. The growth of the Qantas group, despite certain drawbacks, is remarkable (Grant, 2016). However, there are certain factors, which possibly affect the competitive environment of Qantas. Cost cutting, lower oil price and the end of the carbon tax, lower depreciation charges, end of the domestic capacity war and international competition are some of the crucial factors, which affect the competitiveness of Qantas Airline. Nevertheless, out of all the important factors some of the fundamental factors, which influence the competitiveness of Qantas, are highlighted in the following part of the report. To support this particular question based on real facts and findings, a proper situation analysis needs to be developed keeping in mind the requirements of the organization (Fill and Turnbull 2016). A business design and its competitiveness need to be analyzed, but the market condi tions may evolve. Customers, suppliers, products and competitors are some of the key attributes, which affect the business proceedings of the selected organization. As compared with other Airline Organization the depreciation charge on different kinds of fixed assets is much low, which is one of the main elements, which affects the competitiveness of the selected organization (Bryman, and Bell 2015). The second factor is the cost cutting factors, which often drops the performance in the business operations, which is one of the major barriers competiveness. The third factor is the fluctuation of the international price of crude oil, which often hampers the business operations for all the aviation industry. Qantas Competitive Strategy with the application of the SWOT Analysis Competition exists in every corner. Business exists in a dynamic environment, which is changing on a frequent basis. To analyze the competitive strategy of the organization, there are certain points, which the Qantas Airline needs to evaluate in the overall business proceedings. The role of situation analysis contributes as one of the most significant aspects of the overall business operations of Qantas Airline (Rosemann and vom Brocke 2015). There are two kinds of business environment; one is the internal environment, and the other one is the external environment. With the application of the SWOT Analysis, Qantas Airline will be able to scan both the internal environment as well as external environment. The four factors contribute Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats. The first two factors conclude the scanning of the internal environment and the reaming two factors will find the scanning of the external environment (Hollensen 2015). Strength The organization maintains an active as well as the trustworthy name in the aviation sector of the airline industry. Along with its subsidiaries, this particular airline operates its business across the major cities of the globe; some international flights include almost in all the cities of the world. Being the oldest airlines in the country, Qantas Airways is far ahead of the different aviation industry in Australia when measured regarding the experience, operational accountability, technology, and services. Qantas Airline is a promising airline company, which provides a comfortable journey to all the passengers by proving cost effective as well as cost-efficient services. Weakness Due to environmental constraints, some long route flights are often delayed. In spite of expanding to the international region, Qantas still depends on the domestic market for its primary revenues. The over-dependence on the single market and in the domestic sector leaves the Airways vulnerable to any politics situation or economic depression and in Australia. Opportunity The company develops a proper pricing strategy which in the business operations which will attract the customers in many ways. It is one of the oldest airline and aviation sector in the country and maintains a high brand value among the passengers. A lease has been announced for a new aircraft fleet to carter more passengers and provides different kinds of employment opportunities and services to the people. Threats Due to increase in the global fuel price, there are certain negative impacts in the overall pricing decisions of the company. The purchasing options of the customers are diversified in the aviation sector of the country, which is one of the major threats in this particular industry. Congestion and airport capacity issue affect the industry, due to the increase in the population and number of flights in the country. Three Accounting Policies of Qantas The answer to this particular question will address the three accounting policies, which Qantas developed in the business operations and strategies. There are three important principles, which Qantas Airline selected in the process of conducting an efficient financial management system. The role of the effective financial system contributes as one of the most significant aspects of the business, as finance is one of the primary as well as key attributes in the overall business proceedings (Strauss 2016). The ideas of the accounting policies are some of the specific objectives as well as specific principles, which follow specific rules and regulation in the financial management of the organization towards the preparation of the financial statements. The application of accounting policies includes certain standards and regulations in the process of measurement systems and produces for presenting disclosures. However, one of the main things, which need to follow by the majority of the multinational organization, includes following all the accounting standards and principles developed by IFRS. GAAP is the core principles in the accounting standards (Kotler 2015). The following part of the study will highlight what are the three top accounting standards and principles followed Qantas Airline in the business operations. Period Policy With the idea of this particular accounting policy, Qantas Airline reports the complex and ongoing activities of the business in a relatively short manner which distinct time intervals measured in months of different commercial years. This is one of the best accounting practices used by the different organization with the view of developing a proper forecasting activity (Sheth and Sisodia 2015). Fox example the income statement for the year ended in December is known, however, the income statement for the next three months ended for example in the month of March is not known, with the help of this particular accounting tool the organization will be able to forecast the income statement for the month of March. Cost Principle policy Cost is one of the major factors in all aspects of business. From the auditor's point of view, cost refers to the amount spend on cash and cash equivalence (Slater 2015). However, valuation is also an important aspect in aspects of the business. Nevertheless, assets do not reflect the actual amount of money, which the company would receive. With the use of the cost principle, Qantas Airline will be able to determine the true cost by analyzing some specific parameters of the financial system. Revenue Recognition Policy Revenue is one of the prime sources of income for every organization. With the application of the Revenue Recognition Policy, the revenue earning points of the organization will determine the revenue, which is recognized as soon as the product has the organization, has performed the overall service (Vitell and Hunt 2015). With the help of this particular accounting, policy the organization will be able to incorporate the different principles based on revenue recognition principle. These are the three major principles which the organization in the Qantas need to follow in the overall operations of the business and the reason behind choosing these policies and principles ensures the organization to develop a high as well as a proper organizational functioning in the financial system. Corporate level strategies of the Qantas Airlines Qantas Airline is the oldest airline organization in the Australia. The objective of the group is to develop on different kinds of the main organizational strategies, which will focus towards satisfying the demands of the customers (Clay, et al. 2015). The corporate level strategy will concentrate on the achievement of the common organizational goals, which will concentrate towards meeting the requirements and wants of the customers. The business objective of the organization will focus on a proper technological advancement, which will incorporate towards providing all the modern facilities to the passengers at a reasonable cost (Glassman 2015). To execute all these operations in a proper manner, the organization developed an appropriate pricing strategy, which has provided one of the better competitive advantages. However, it has become the Australias largest group when measured regarding flights (Yadav, Dokania and Pathak 2016). With the vision of becoming the largest Aviation industry by the year 2020, the organization needs to provide the best options for the customer largely. The corporate level strategies includes financial performance, mergers and acquisition, a proper human resource management and allocation of proper resources are some of the key parameters which Qantas Airlines needs to follows in the part of corporate level strategy. Analysis of Financial Performance and Financial Position in year 2013 Financial Performance 2012-2013 The financial performance of Qantas in 2012-2013 can be given as Qantas 2012 (Million dollars) 2013 (Million dollars) Growth in Performance Revenues 15,724 15,902 +1.13% Expenses 15,897 15,698 -1.25% Return on Equity (ROE) -4.07% 0.08% Table: Revenues and Expenses of Qantas Source: (Qantas Annual Report 2013) According to the results calculated from the revenues in 2013 has shown an increase of 1.13% whereas the expenses have decreased by 1.25%. Overall, the financial performance of Qantas has been growing while reducing expenses to a degree. However, the growth remains insignificant. Moreover, the return on equity for the year 2013 has increased after the fall experienced in 2012 Financial Position 2012-2013 Qantas 2012 (Million dollars) 2013 (Million dollars) Total Assets 21178 20200 Total Liabilities 15289 14346 Owners Equity 5889 5954 Debt to asset Ratio 0.721 0.710 Liabilities to Equity 2.596 2.409 Table: Revenues and Expenses of Qantas Source: (Qantas Annual Report 2013) According to Qantas financial position, Liabilities to equity ratio has been large which depicts that the shareholders provide 2.5 dollars in 2012 and in 2.4 dollars in 2013. However, the company needs to lower its liabilities for a favorable position in debt to equity ratio. On the other hand, the debt to asset ratio is favorable to as many 0.72 assets as its liabilities are there to pay back the loan. For the both the years, the ratio has been more or less the same. Analysis of Financial Performance and Financial Position in year 2014-2015 Financial Performance 2014-2015 The financial performance of Qantas in 2014-2015 can be given as Qantas 2014 (Million dollars) 2015 (Million dollars) Growth in Performance Revenues 15,352 15,816 +3.022% Expenses 19,124 14,768 -22.777% Return on Equity (ROE) -64.53% 17.67% Table: Revenues and Expenses of Qantas Source: (Qantas Annual Report 2015) According to the results calculated from the revenues in 2015 has shown an increase of revenues by 3.022% whereas the expenses have decreased by 22.77%, which is commendable reduction. Overall, the financial performance of Qantas has been growing while the expenses have fallen to a greater extent as well as the growth has been significant. Moreover, the return on equity for the year 2015 has drastically increased after the all time low ROE in 2014. Financial Position 2014-2015 Qantas 2014 (Million dollars) 2015 (Million dollars) Assets 17318 17530 Liabilities 14452 14083 Owners Equity 2866 3447 Debt to asset Ratio 0.838 0.8033 Liabilities to Equity 5.0425 4.085 Table: Revenues and Expenses of Qantas Source: (Qantas Annual Report 2015) According to Qantas financial position, Liabilities to equity ratio has been considerably higher than the previous years which depicts that the shareholders provide 5.04 dollars in 2014 and in 4.08 dollars in 2015. However, the company needs to lower its liabilities as the favorable as the debt to asset ratio is not favorable as the shareholders price to invest has gone higher. On the other hand, the debt to asset ratio has also grown turning it to be not favorable to pay back the loan by 0.83 for every asset. For the both the years, the ratio has been more or less the same but it assumes to be decreasing in 2015. Analysis on Findings and clear recommendation to potential/existing investors on whether they should buy or sell Qantas share According to the report in the two years, according to valuation methods, the return on equity has been increasing in 2013 and 2015 from 2012 and 2014 respectively. However, 2014 shows to have a drastic change made in the interest income as the expenses have grown in a period of 3-4 years. Overall, there also have been fluctuating financial performance of Quantas and it has been making attempt to maintain a stable financial position as well. Conversely, the following are the recommendations based on the financial performance that the Quantas needs to take in to maintain its position in the market. Firstly, there has been need to decrease the expenses based on the competitive strategy such that there is more opportunity in building assets The investor needs to wait for sometime before investing in Qantas as recently the liabilities have increased and the investor may have to pay more for a dollar in the share prices. The years 2012 and 2014 has seen many fluctuations. As a result, the investor needs to evaluate its money so that the investor money can be valued. Conclusion The overall report will evaluate the operational management of the selected organization Qantas. Qantas is one of the most popular aviation industries in Australia. The overall assignment is classified into different segments, which summarize all the factors towards focusing on the business operations of the organization. Some of the important factors that are discussed in the overall reports include Qantas Competitive Strategies, development of different marketing tools that includes SWOT Analysis and Porters 5 forces. The final part of the report will conclude the analysis of the financial statement of the company followed by providing proper recommendations. References Bryman, A. and Bell, E., 2015.Business research methods. Oxford University Press, USA. Cachanosky, N. and Salter, A.W., 2016. The view from Vienna: An analysis of the renewed interest in the Mises-Hayek theory of the business cycle.The Review of Austrian Economics, pp.1-24. Clay, W., Barrow, B., Stuart, E.J., Rose, M.R. and Talley, T., Acxiom Corporation, 2015.Interactive Marketing Simulation System and Method. U.S. Patent Application 14/617,584. Fill, C. and Turnbull, S.L., 2016. Marketing communications: brands, experiences and participation. 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Sunday, May 3, 2020
The Stages Of The Counseling Process And Communication - Free Solution
Question: Discuss about The Stages of the Counseling Process and Communication. Answer: Introduction Counseling is the process by which a professional provide guidance and assistance meant to resolve psychological, social and personal difficulties (Pickard Carroll, 2015). According to McLeod (2013), the psychological therapy that the counselor provides to the client includes relationship therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and psychotherapy. The client should communicate the difficult feelings to the counselor and the counselor help the client in finding their own solutions for the problem. The essay will discuss the main stages that are involved in the counseling process which includes: relationship building, problem assessment, the creation of assessment goals, interventions for the problem, follow-up, and termination. The essay also discusses the communication skills required during counseling and includes: listening skills, questioning skills, responding skills, analytic skills, observation skills, and influential skills. The communication barriers during counseling that inc lude being judgmental, sending solutions and lack of attendant behaviors have also been discussed in the essay. Discussion There are five stages of counseling process which includes the following. Establishment of a rapport with the client (Relationship building) The counselor should initiate the counseling process by establishing a rapport with the client (Hackney Cormier, 2013). The counselor has several tasks to undertake in order to build a relationship with the client. The task includes articulating their roles as counselor to their client. The counselor should also introduce himself/herself by full names to the client and should also address the client by their names. According to Bond (2015), an informed consent is important while establishing a relationship with the client as the client should understand the whole process of counseling and give assent to it. According to Hackney Cormier (2013), the core conditions required for a successful relationship building includes empathetic understanding, respect, immediacy, self-disclosure, concreteness, congruence and unconditional positive regard. Assessment and Diagnosis Assessment and diagnosis represent the second stage of the counseling process. According to Nelson-Jones, (2013), the assessment and diagnosis stage is when the counselor gathers the information from the patient in order to understand his/her problem and reasons for undertaking the counseling. The counselor should help the client to communicate their problems rather than pronouncing for them. Hackney Cormier (2013) assert that the problems of the client being counseled can be categorized into several divisions that include stressors which are unpleasant events that cause a person to experience distraction and distress. The second problem may be a need where the client may be lacking something that is very vital for life and hence becomes disturbed. The third problem may be life conditions which are the conditions that are out of control of the client which limit his success for happiness. The fourth problem may be dysfunctional social patterns in which the client experiences problem s in relating with some people but get along well with other people. The counselor should, therefore, look forward to understanding the client problem in order to set the necessary goals and interventions meant to alleviate the client problem. Hackney Cormier (2013) argues that the cause of the client problems seeking to counsel may be relationship based, behavioral based, milieu based, emotion based and thought based. The counselor should be observant to the client in order to detect any signs of manifestation of their problems. The client manifests their problems through worries, fear, feelings, and an unsatisfactory interpersonal relationship among others. Formulation of Counseling Goals Goals formulation is an important stage during the process of counseling. The setting of goals is vital in determining whether the counseling is working and when should be concluded. According to Bhargava Sriram (2016), the general goals associated with counseling include a reduction in dysfunctional behaviors, reduction in emotional stress, and assistance in decision-making, development of potential and promotion of adaptation. The specific goals of counseling should be set immediately after understanding the client expectations and problems. The counselor has a role at this stage in guiding the client in setting the goals that aim towards alleviating the client distressing condition. Intervention and Problem-solving Intervention and problem solving is the stage where the counselor and the client initiate a solution to the client problem. The solution to the problem is related to the assessed problem by the counselor and the formulated goals. The counselor should first ask the client on the solution they have tried for their problem but it has failed. The counselor is, therefore, able to design an alternative solution to the problem. According to Jordans, Komproe, Tol, Nsereko de Jong (2013), the counselor should relate the client problem with the intervention the client will use. The problem that is related to how the client view on the life situation (cognitively determined problem), the appropriate intervention would endeavor to bring cognitive changes to the client ((Hackney Cormier, 2013). The intervention for behavioral changes would be used if the client has a problem that is related to how he/she affects other people. The intervention to resolve emotional crises would be used to a clien t that experiences emotional problems. The identification of the client problem is, therefore, important in formulating the right intervention for the client. Termination and Follow up The counseling process does not end immediately after providing the interventions necessary to solve the client problem. The client should have appointments with the counselor so that the counselor can be able to access whether the client is in the process of solving the problem (Manthei, 2007). The counselor should encourage the client to call if a need arises before the appointment date. The purpose of follow-up is to ensure that the counseling solves the client problem and identifying other needs for counseling before the counseling process is terminated. According to Manthei (2007), the termination of counseling should not be abrupt but procedures should be used which includes: evaluating the client readiness for termination, providing notice of termination in advance and discussing with the client on whether he/she is ready to terminate the counseling. Communication Skills that should be Integrated into Counseling Stages Effective Listening and Attendant Behaviors The counselor should try to understand the client deeply at the early stages of the counseling process. Active listening is important in the entire stages of the counselling process. According to Beebe, Beebe Redmond (2014), eye contacts, encouraging gestures and leaning forward slightly are some of the attentive body languages in communication. Questioning and Interviewing Skills The most effective communication skills required during the assessment and the diagnosis stage is the questioning skills. Beebe, Beebe Redmond (2014) assert that questioning skill is important in all stages of the counselling process. Questioning skills are used to guide the conversation process and help to gather enough information from the client. Both the open-ended the question and close-ended questions are used in counseling. Analytic Skills The analytic skills refer to the skills necessary in collecting information, visualize it and make decisions on how the problem will be solved. According to Egbochuku (2010),the analytic skill is most important communication skills during the identification of counseling goals and intervention stage of counseling. The counselor should be able to analyze the patient problem and come up with the goals and treatment plan for the problem. Feedback / Responding Skills The skill is important in the entire process of counseling. Egbochuku (2010) assert that the responding skills encourage the client to explain his/her story and allow clarifications. Observation Skills The observation of both the verbal and nonverbal message for the client is a vital skill in all stages of the counseling process. Beebe, Beebe Redmond (2014) argues that the observation of body languages like tone variations and facial expression are important signs that help in understanding the client problem and coming up with the solutions. Influential Skills The influential skills are important in changing the client ways of thinking and behaviors. The counselor should embrace the influential skills in order to have an impact on the client problem (Saarinen, 2015).The influential skills are mostly important during the intervention stage of the counseling process. Barriers to Communication during Counseling Judging Judging is one of the barriers to communication during counseling. Egbochuku (2010) assert that the counselor should refrain from judging the client during the entire process of counseling. The counselor should not impose his/her values to the client in order to promote communication with the client. The counselor should avoid judging the client so that the client can be open to them and create a good rapport with them. The counselor can reveal his/her judgemental nature to the client through criticism and manipulation. Sending solutions for the client Sending solutions for the client is a barrier to communication during the helping process. The clients should be given time to explain their problem and the counselor should facilitate their decision making but not imposing the decisions on their behalf without their involvement. Egbochuku (2010) argues that the counselor should encourage communication by refraining from ordering, avoid excessive/inappropriate questioning, avoid finishing sentences for the client, avoid moralizing and threaten the client. Lack of Attentive Behaviors Lack of attentive behaviors is a communication barrier in helping the process. The client requires that the counselor should be attentive so that he/she can deliver his/her problems. The client would not communicate effectively if the counselor does not give hi/her attentive ear. According to Egbochuku (2010), the counselor should use the listening skills and body language like nodding of the head and smile so that the client can recognize his/her attentiveness. Conclusion Counseling is important in solving psychological, social and personal problems that most of the people experience in their lives. The processes required in counseling should include the establishment of rapport with the client, problem diagnosis, goals setting, treatment and intervention, and follow-up which is finally concluded by the termination of counseling. The counselor has a role in ensuring that he/she embraces the appropriate communication skills while dealing with the client so that he can build a rapport with the client and the client is guided on how to solve his/her problem. References Beebe, S. A., Beebe, S. J., Redmond, M. V. (2014). Interpersonal communication: Relating to others (7th ed.). Harlow, Essex: Pearson Education Bhargava, S., Sriram, S. (2016). Counsellor Characteristics and the Counselling Experience. InCounselling in India(pp. 13-33). Springer Singapore. Bond, T. (2015).Standards and ethics for counselling in action. Sage. Egbochuku, E. (2010). Counselling Communication Skills: Its Place In The Training Programme Of A Counselling Psychologist.Edo Journal Of Counselling,1(1). Hackney, H., Cormier, L. S. (2013). The professional counsellor: A process guide to helping (7th ed.). Boston: Pearson. Jordans, M. J. D., Komproe, I. H., Tol, W. A., Nsereko, J., de Jong, J. T. V. M. (2013). Treatment processes of counseling for children in South Sudan: a multiple n= 1 design.Community mental health journal,49(3), 354-367. Manthei, R. (2007). Clients talk about their experience of the process of counselling.Counselling Psychology Quarterly,20(1), 1-26. McLeod, J. (2013).An introduction to counselling. McGraw-Hill Education (UK). Pickard, E., Carroll, M. (2015). Counselling Psychology.Elements of Applied P
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